A Shop Website with Divi and WooCommerce
Yes you can have A Shop Website with Divi and WooCommerce
A Recap + Vlog
First you’ll be getting a top notch WordPress site made with Divi, next you’ll be adding WooCommerce in order to sell you physical or virtual products via credit card or PayPal payment.

Getting Started with your very own eCommerce website
Adding products for sale to your website
First of all, WooCommerce is a free plugin for WordPress that allows you to easily add products, with variations and price differences. And the best part is, there’s no monthly fees like many of the other well marketed website “self-builders” out there.
WooCommerce if fully customizable allowing you to build your online business exactly the way you want.
Create a mobile shopping experience
How many of your customers are looking for your product online? Well you don’t know that yet, but you will be surprised to find that most likely 50% or more will be! WooCommerce will be ready for mobile orders right out of the box.
Accept payments from a huge variety of gateways including:
Amazon Payments, Stripe, Authorize.Net, PayPal, FirstData and PayFast.
A majority of our clients us Stripe and PayPal.