Should I get my website made during the CoronaVirus situation?
March, 19, 2020
So, why should I get my website made during the CoronaVirus situation?
For starters, you and the web designer currently have all the time necessary to build you the best website.
We are all in the same boat
That being said, there are many advantages in working with a web designer right now vs once we get past this whole Covid 19 pandemic.
Right now, just about everyone is staying put at home besides our first responders, medical, gov’t, and essential services like food / water / electricity and even internet. This puts us in the perfect scenario to get full concentration going on your new or existing business and it’s website. Designers left and right are stuck either laid off, or having trouble finding work out there. All is not bad though, this can be good for you and the designer, any work is welcomed, and most designers, including myself a willing to put 150% into a project, way beyond the norm.
Don’t be surprised if you get offered a discount either. Designers know that without your business, there’s no business, and you are probably faced with lowered income levels over the next few months too. So this is why I should get my website made during the CoronaVirus situation.
You can get a better deal right now…
Are you ready to get your new custom designed WordPress Website made with Divi?
Designers are already working from home, social distancing and dedicated to making your website.
That’s right, I know first hand, I work from home and not much has changed, with the exception of my wife is now working from home and my two boys are now my “co-workers”.
Also from personal experience, we all (designers) have had a drop in normal business and are eager and willing to build your new website.
So what do you need to do to get started?
Checklist of To-Do’s:
Call or eMail us for a free consultation for starters – 727.273.4167 or
1. Study your competition and their websites, what makes them good or not.
2. Research other websites that you like their style and the way they appeal to you.
3. Define what it is you want your website to do for you. Example: book more appointments, increase sales of your product, get more notoriety for your product that is only in stores, just get started selling online.
The rest, like content and imagery can be planned out after discussing your site.
Okay so, how much is this all going to cost?
Well, in our case, we normally avg out a project based on about $100 a page, where as now, you can expect to pay less in this day and time CoronaVirus scenario.
An average starter site can start at $900 and go up from there based on the level of customizations and functionality of your site.
For example: a shop website would have a little more functionality than a standard brochure style site.
To view an example of a shop website, please check this out!
Here’s an interesting article by Business Insider about how business’ are affected by the coronavirus, emphasizing how boosting your online sales can help get you through. Even afterwards, people will still be wary of physically being in a store and more likely to order online.
So, Should I get my website made during the CoronaVirus situation?
Answer: Yes you should! Remember, we need you just as much as you need us.